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News & Guide

Diablo 3 ROS Legendary Chest Armor Cindercoat Analysis

Diablo 3 ROS Legendary Chest Armor Cindercoat Analysis

[Reaper of Souls]With the increase of legendary drop in the diablo 3 reaper of souls, a lot of friends would find a lot of good chest armor better than Cindercoat. But is it true that Cindercoat is only a legendary worth crafting?   Legendary Chest Amor Cindercoat PrimaryFire Skills deal 18% m...

2/24/2014 2:57:29 PM
ROS PTR Witch Doctor DOT Build in Torment IV

ROS PTR Witch Doctor DOT Build in Torment IV

[Reaper of Souls]It seems like no matter in current 1.0.8 version or in the Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls, Witch Doctor is a rather stone class. A lot of interesting builds come out in the streams. Now this time we would talk about the Witch Doctor DOT Build with Ring of Royal Grandeur and Legendary Vood...

2/19/2014 11:34:54 AM
ROS PTR Legendary Bow Cluckeye Damage Testing

ROS PTR Legendary Bow Cluckeye Damage Testing

[Reaper of Souls]Wouldn't it be really cool to fire chicken out to attack mobs? I just got a legendary bow named Cluckeye in the Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls PTR. I guess a lot of players have heard about it. But do you know how to get the highest damage through the Cluckeye?     Legendary Bow Clucke...

2/12/2014 10:02:29 AM
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls Crusader One Hand Holy Damage Build

Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls Crusader One Hand Holy Damage Build

[Reaper of Souls]In Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls, one items can drive you to another build. This is true to me. I have got a Skycutter one hand legendary sword with 40% holy damage. According to the features of Skycutter of low DPH and Holy Damage, I decide to build my Improve my Crusader in this direct...

2/6/2014 11:54:42 AM
Diablo 3 ROS Hellfire Ring FAQs

Diablo 3 ROS Hellfire Ring FAQs

[Reaper of Souls]Q: Is it worth trying to get item level 70 Reaper of Souls Hellfire Ring?A: Of course it is worth. Instead of giving 35% XP bonus of the current item level 63 Hellfire ring, the level 70 hellfire ring would give a 45% experience bonus. And it would cast a fire ring for 200% weapon d...

2/4/2014 8:00:49 AM
Top Four Things You would Like to Know About Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls

Top Four Things You would Like to Know About Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls

[Reaper of Souls]Not every player is lucky enough to be invited to participate Diablo 3 Expansion Reaper of Souls test. But this does not prevent us to be curious about this expansion. We have collected five things you would like to know about ROS.   Top one, Crusader an enjoyable tank class?Expan...

2/1/2014 8:18:49 AM
Diablo 3 PTR 2.0 Monk Fist Skills Proc Coefficient Guide

Diablo 3 PTR 2.0 Monk Fist Skills Proc Coefficient Guide

[Diablo 3 Guide]Monk fist skills in PTR 2.0 are a little different from before. This skill effect Proc Coefficient guide is based on actual test in diablo3 PTR beta. Crippling WaveThis skill basic damage is 143%. The wide attack range is an advantage. The forth rune Tsunami Proc Coefficient is 0.75...

1/28/2014 11:01:50 AM
Diablo III Demon Hunter Quiver Patch 2.0 Enchanting Guide

Diablo III Demon Hunter Quiver Patch 2.0 Enchanting Guide

[Diablo 3 Guide]Demon hunter off-hand quiver is an important assistant in battles. Patch 2.0 makes enchant an essential part in diablo 3 and in this way equipment become more perfect. This time we are going to discuss demon hunter quiver Dead Man's Legacy enchanting with you.   The known item af...

1/27/2014 3:09:20 PM
Reaper of Souls New Hellfire Ring Guide

Reaper of Souls New Hellfire Ring Guide

[Diablo 3 Guide]Blizzard updated new patch and something changed in the new version. Keywardens still hold the important keys and will appear in the same levels randomly. Well, you will feel it harder to get through because now you get lesser exp than before and have to find some specific places. Ne...

1/21/2014 3:52:03 PM
Reaper of Souls Monk Infinite Seven-Sided Strike Build

Reaper of Souls Monk Infinite Seven-Sided Strike Build

[Diablo 3 Guide]To realize infinite seven-sided strike in reaper of souls, the first to mention is the legendary daibo The Clouds And The Moon. It removes the cooldown of seven-sided strike. Items can influence the build you use a lot in ros, and this daibo is just one of the legendaries.     ...

1/20/2014 10:36:56 AM
Reaper of Souls Enchanting Mistakes and Skills Experience Share

Reaper of Souls Enchanting Mistakes and Skills Experience Share

[Diablo 3 Guide]Reaper of souls is coming and many people are busy enchanting. For the awesome function of new equipment system, there are few items worth keeping. This time let's discuss some pieces of enchanting worthy legendaries in ros and share what mistakes many players had made and skills to ...

1/14/2014 3:02:42 PM
Reaper of Souls Legendary/Set Items Special Materials Guide

Reaper of Souls Legendary/Set Items Special Materials Guide

[Diablo 3 Guide]As we all know that crafting items is an important part in reaper of souls. Some legendary/set items in reaper of souls even need special materials to craft, which are dropped from specific leader monsters. In ros, your equipment influence game experience a lot. To follow the princip...

1/8/2014 5:02:30 PM
Discussion: Monk Worthy Legendary Equipment to Enchant in ROS

Discussion: Monk Worthy Legendary Equipment to Enchant in ROS

[Dablo 3 Guide]Before the coming of reaper of souls at March 25th, players have been discussing the topic that what legendary equipment is worthwhile to enchant in new expansion. Here we recommend some items worthy for monk. If you have better ideas, welcome to communicate with us. Note that this is...

1/6/2014 3:57:44 PM
Diablo III Crusader Passive Skill Life on Hit Effect Test

Diablo III Crusader Passive Skill Life on Hit Effect Test

[Diablo 3 Guide]This test was done in reaper of souls beta with partner. The equipment is as the picture shows. The chest item is Immortal King's Eternal Reign.       Test one: Is Iron Maiden & thorn damage efficient to life on hit effect? Iron Maiden: Get 6102 thorns Regenerate life per sec:...

1/2/2014 3:25:31 PM
Diablo III Demon Hunter Efficient Legendary Special Effects in ROS

Diablo III Demon Hunter Efficient Legendary Special Effects in ROS

[Diablo 3 Guide]Legendaries with special effects are usually awesome in reaper of souls and some of which can even surprise you in battles. This time we'd like to share some demon hunter legendary equipment with wonderful special effects. Demon hunter is no longer the easiest to die class in diablo ...

12/31/2013 5:57:30 PM