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News & Guide

Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls Legendary Drop Increased in Patch 2.0.4- Conduit and Goblin Groups in Rift

Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls Legendary Drop Increased in Patch 2.0.4- Conduit and Goblin Groups in Rift

We all know there are lots of cool shrine in the Rift, which can bring the different bonus. The most attractive and gorgeous is the Conduit Pylon, the effect is lightning zaps your surroundings for 30 seconds. During the high difficult level, if you encounter a Conduit Pylon and two groups Goblin, w...

4/10/2014 6:16:04 PM
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls First Patch - 2.0.4 Datamined Class Changes

Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls First Patch - 2.0.4 Datamined Class Changes

Source from:   A patch has just hit Blizzard's download servers. It looks like this patch should go live with the Tuesday maintenance. This patch should also include the items they can not hotfix. Remember the following information is datamined and may contain errors. DiabloFan...

4/7/2014 4:13:29 PM
Diablo 3 RoS - Demon Hunter Dazzling Arrow Build in T4 Rift

Diablo 3 RoS - Demon Hunter Dazzling Arrow Build in T4 Rift

Here, i’m glad to introduce my Demon Hunter build in Diablo III : Reaper of Souls. With the improved of items, i have changed my build continuous. As for now, this build depends on the new items property to create amazing DPS. The effect of stun is the Coin!     Active Skill Analysis: Thunder ...

4/4/2014 6:03:30 PM
Diablo 3 RoS:Pack of Treasure Goblins is a nice surprise in Naphalem Rifts

Diablo 3 RoS:Pack of Treasure Goblins is a nice surprise in Naphalem Rifts

How much Treasure Goblins you have met in Diablo III each time? Only one or sometimes would be two? Well, there is a player share the experience of encountering 12 goblins in Naphalem Rifts. What an exciting moment when you saw a pack of goblins around you! The community manager said it is a great r...

4/1/2014 4:36:39 PM
Understanding The Truth Behind The "Damage" Tooltip On Items, Item Level Clarifications, CE's 4D Magic

Understanding The Truth Behind The "Damage" Tooltip On Items, Item Level Clarifications, CE's 4D Magic

Suorce from: You know those orange diamonds in front of some affixes on items? Do you know what they mean? If not, hop on!A little off-tour for an important clarification before we proceed: the explanation below is true not only for elemental affixes, but skill-related ones as well ...

3/28/2014 9:50:45 AM
5 tips you should know before Diablo III: Reaper of Souls released

5 tips you should know before Diablo III: Reaper of Souls released

Finally, the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls is released now. No matter you are the newbie in Diablo 3 or the experienced player, you should read this article. If you still hesitate to buy Reaper of Souls, you should read this article either! Here, we would prepare several things you should know before ...

3/25/2014 11:55:28 AM
Field of Misery - Diablo III Patch 2.0.1 T6 Best Farming Route

Field of Misery - Diablo III Patch 2.0.1 T6 Best Farming Route

Due to most of player are prefer to farm items and xp in ACT III, Blizzard adjusts the monster density and drop rate in Patch 2.0.1. Most of players are exploring the fast route to farming items and XP fast and easy, so we want to introduce the perfect farming route here.   Well, this route is acc...

3/18/2014 10:09:30 PM
Legendary Items Recommendation for Diablo III Patch 2.0.1 Wizard

Legendary Items Recommendation for Diablo III Patch 2.0.1 Wizard

What is the highlight of Diablo 3 Patch 2.0.1? Most of players would refer to the Loot 2.0, and some would prefer to the items drop rate. Well, no matter what different attack you come to D3, the big adjustment about legendary items totally bring the different gaming experience. Today, we would shar...

3/13/2014 6:12:39 PM
Best Legendary Items Farming Route You Must Try in Diablo 3 Patch 2.0.3

Best Legendary Items Farming Route You Must Try in Diablo 3 Patch 2.0.3

[Diablo 3 Guide]The players who experienced the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls must know this is a interesting game which has many mysterious treasure chests. After tested for a several times through different characters and difficult, we would like to share a great farming rote here.   As for now, t...

3/12/2014 11:02:10 AM
Diablo 3 Patch 2.0.1 Barbarian Skill Build and Items Recommendation in T3-4

Diablo 3 Patch 2.0.1 Barbarian Skill Build and Items Recommendation in T3-4

After the new patch released for a while, most of veteran players decide return to Diablo 3 again. How do you think of Diablo III Patch 2.0.1? You can enter  vote for your idea choice. Well, many of our regular clients want us share the gaming experience and suggestions about Barbarian Hammer of Anc...

3/8/2014 5:27:11 PM
The Investigation of Diablo III Patch 2.0.1 Satisfaction

The Investigation of Diablo III Patch 2.0.1 Satisfaction

The Patch 2.0.1 has released for a week, recently the new patch 2.0.2 as for the supplement release to fix some problems. There is no doubt the most popular discussion during this period is the drop rate and new legendary items. As for patch 2.0.1, the new characteristic and totally adjustment for p...

3/7/2014 6:50:53 PM
Diablo III Patch 2.0.1 Frozen Wizard Solo T5 Skill Build

Diablo III Patch 2.0.1 Frozen Wizard Solo T5 Skill Build

If you love the Ice Control Wizard, you may love my skill build and video. Finally, the Patch 2.0.1 bring some different thing for us. Now , it is high time come back to Diablo III and test more various skill build. So, i decided to chose Wizard as the first class to farm items now and waiting for t...

3/6/2014 5:59:00 PM
Diablo 3 Patch 2.0.1 Demon Hunter Beginning Farming Skill Build Shared

Diablo 3 Patch 2.0.1 Demon Hunter Beginning Farming Skill Build Shared

Finally, the Patch 2.0.1 is coming now. I supposed most of players are putting themself into farming D3 Gold and Items. Meanwhile, to test different skill build is a great choice either! Now, we are glad to share my experience about Demon Hunter farming skill build in Patch 2.0.1! Well, hope you can...

3/4/2014 10:25:54 AM
Diablo 3 Patch 2.0.1 Released: The Video of Monk SoloT6 commemorates Amazing Inna’s Set

Diablo 3 Patch 2.0.1 Released: The Video of Monk SoloT6 commemorates Amazing Inna’s Set

Finally, the Diablo 3 RoS Beta and PTR closed. From Feb 25 that you can enjoy the patch 2.0.1 and you should wait for the coming of Diablo III:Reaper of Souls released on March. Today, one of player in order to commemorate the past amazing Monk’s items has recorded the video about Monk Solo T6.   ...

2/27/2014 5:14:28 PM
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls and PRT closed, Path 2.0.1 available on 25 Feb

Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls and PRT closed, Path 2.0.1 available on 25 Feb

[Reaper of Souls]After the Diablo 3 PTR closed, most of players are concerned about when the Path 2.0.1 would online. There are lots of conjectures in Diablo III forum, while there is a big news from Twitter make us surprise! The Alex Mayberry post the news like this:     Yes, very surprising t...

2/25/2014 5:56:16 PM