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News & Guide

The Powerful Double Player Team in Diablo 3 Patch 1.0.8

The Powerful Double Player Team in Diablo 3 Patch 1.0.8

[Diablo 3 Guide]With the upgrading of 1.0.8 patch, there are lot of playing modes emerge now. While, in this new patch, we can clearly notice that Blizzard aims to attract players make team to farm items. Therefore, the powerful double player team was born from this time. Now, we are glad to share t...

5/13/2013 6:21:22 PM
Diablo 3 Hardcore Mode power level makes you safe

Diablo 3 Hardcore Mode power level makes you safe

[Diablo 3 Gold]As we all know that there's cruel rule for each player who wants to enter into the Hardcore. Only one life chance can be enjoyed in it. Hence, many players would like to think about it carefully before entering into this mode, the game skill or the expense of diabloiii gold should all...

5/10/2013 11:40:33 PM
Differnt Whirlwind among five Professions

Differnt Whirlwind among five Professions

[Diablo 3 Guide]As a loyal Diablo 3 fans, I always wander at Diablo 3 forum recently. Unintentionally, I found an interesting occasion that five professions in Diablo III are different and have its own characteristic. The various skill build emerge in endlessly have strong attraction for us. As for ...

5/10/2013 6:00:40 PM
What do you think of the Diablo 3 Auction House Maintenance after Patch 1.0.8?

What do you think of the Diablo 3 Auction House Maintenance after Patch 1.0.8?

[Diablo 3 Guide]Finally, the patch 1.0.8 finished PTR and coming out now. Have you anticipate the new patch? Sincerely, there are several change really make me satisfied, such as the social function of Players Near You, the density of monsters increased at ACT I,II, IV and so on. Of course, the book...

5/9/2013 3:52:10 PM
Custom D3 power leveling helps you win on the starting line

Custom D3 power leveling helps you win on the starting line

[Diablo 3 Gold]As you can see from the title, this article aims to introduce a comprehensive D3 power level service for you to win the game on the starting line. We say comprehensive power level meaning that every situation is included in Custom power leveling service. Firstly, different speed powe...

5/9/2013 10:23:15 AM
Come to Diabloiiigold to Meet the 1.08 Patch with 6% Extra Gold

Come to Diabloiiigold to Meet the 1.08 Patch with 6% Extra Gold

[Diablo 3 Gold]According to the official news, 1.08 PTR patch is coming now. This new update will bring more exciting plots, and many amendments will be added into this game, as well. As a fan of D3, are you ready to meet this new update?Do you have sufficient D 3 gold for upgrading your level? Diab...

5/8/2013 6:08:31 PM
How to use Crafting System enhance Monk in Diablo III?

How to use Crafting System enhance Monk in Diablo III?

[Diablo 3 Guide]Greeting everyone! The 1.0.8 patch finally released today, we can experience the new change with the friends now. No matter the new function of Player Near You, or the MF/GF improved in this new patch that all have strong attraction for us! In addition, players can now queue up multi...

5/8/2013 11:36:05 AM
The Best Place to Get Professional Diablo 3 Power Leveling is Diabloiiigold

The Best Place to Get Professional Diablo 3 Power Leveling is Diabloiiigold

[Diablo 3 Gold]Fro many players, it is a little difficult to upgrade their level in the game as fast as they thought. Different problems will come out during the upgrading process, such as limited time, narrow skill level, poor computer configuration and so on. As a fan of Diablo III who wants to up...

5/7/2013 1:07:01 PM
The summary of Double Whirlwind Barbarian in 1.0.7 Patch

The summary of Double Whirlwind Barbarian in 1.0.7 Patch

[Diablo 3 Guide]This Skill Build is the most practical and useful for Barbarians at present which has strong output damage, fast farming efficiency, and mobile abilities. According to the different personal requirements you can adjust this build and create an appropriate Ancient Double Whirlwind Bui...

5/6/2013 10:54:48 AM
Cheap Diablo 3 gold and power leveling are hot for sale

Cheap Diablo 3 gold and power leveling are hot for sale

[Diablo 3 Gold]If you are a player with enough courage and spirit of adventure, you need to come to If you are a player want to a experience more adventure to challenge more, you also need to come to our store. If you are an economically minded person while eager to upgrade your l...

5/2/2013 11:46:34 AM
What do you think of the hard cap on MF/GF in 1.0.8 patch?

What do you think of the hard cap on MF/GF in 1.0.8 patch?

[Diablo 3 Poll]According to the Community manager announcement, we can hit the maximum of a 680% bonus to MF in the upcoming 1.0.8 patch because the adjustment of XP shrines multiplicative and Multiplayer Bonuses. In order to stimulate players get more fun in the Diablo III, the developers are dedic...

5/1/2013 2:47:30 PM
With enough Diablo 3 Gold to buy excellent Bracers in Auction House

With enough Diablo 3 Gold to buy excellent Bracers in Auction House

[Diablo 3 Guide]At present, the soaring price of D3 items in the AH force players have to farm Demonic Essence to craft the ideal bracers. While, farming items and gold online is boring and frustrate. Why not turn to us? would provide you cheap Diablo 3 Gold online to buy gorgeous ...

4/29/2013 4:55:42 PM
You can Buy Safe Diablo 3 Gold Online at

You can Buy Safe Diablo 3 Gold Online at

[Diablo 3 Gold]To most of players, Diablo 3 is a magic world which is full of adventure and challenge. Players need enough  gold to experience more adventure and challenge more. Of course, there are various online stores to meet you needs. Nevertheless, where can you buy safe Diablo 3 gold online? H...

4/29/2013 3:17:14 PM
Safe EU Diablo 3 power leveling with 3% discount

Safe EU Diablo 3 power leveling with 3% discount

[Diablo 3 Gold]As a player of Diablo 3, you may meet different problems during the process of upgrading your level, such as your limited time, limited skill or even your computer system, those are all likely to be your obstacles for you to go forward. Because of these defects, many players would ask...

4/27/2013 6:12:55 PM
Buy Diablo 3 Gold Cheap to Challenge Hardcore Mode!

Buy Diablo 3 Gold Cheap to Challenge Hardcore Mode!

[Diablo 3 Gold]Greeting everyone! The wonderful weekend is coming now, how about your Diablo III adventure plane? Before the 1.0.8 patch releases, there are lots of interesting thing you can enjoy. No matter the exciting PVP mode or the challenge Hardcore mode, you absolutely should have a try on it...

4/27/2013 10:46:00 AM