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1.0.5 Diablo 3 Barbarian experience in PTR server

9/24/2012 7:14:53 PM

1.0.5 Barbarian Diablo 3 PTR server experience


With announcement of.05 patch, a lot of players have experienced on the PTR servers. The update of 1.05 also brings anew rules for the game and some attractive highlights .The Items in Inferno, “ah, have you see the legend items?”  These words you will encounter in1.05,


During this updates, the most controversy and discussion is the Barbarians. In fact, the Barbarian few key changes are as follows:


Battle rage

Duration was increased from 30 seconds to 120 seconds.



The calm time reduced to 12 seconds from 15 seconds


War Cry

 The calm time reduced to 20 seconds from 30 seconds

 Anger generated by 30 is reduced to 20

 Skill Rune: Charge

Anger generated by 60 is reduced to 40

 Skill Rune: Impunity

Resistance reward reduced from 50% to 20%



Skill Rune: Rush

                Trigger factor is reduced from 0.2 to 0.08


These skills and Rune changes for General Parkour stream savage large impact especially changes, led to the decline of the whole anti-war roar skills, making the barbarians in ACT3 - ACT4 survival greatly reduced capacity, but also reduce resistance and attacks that monster patch, however, can choose to 1.05 in task difficulty, the highest difficulty for 10 through 10 the difficulty of the test, or a little more difficult on the PTR server 's.


Only did not change in the 1.05 version of the changes in the legendary suit property and equipment - Immortal King’s Tribal Binding



Impunity changes affect the Barbarians all resistance. The properties of the Immortal King’s Tribal Binding amazing! +60 all resistance with a belt and clothes, basically add all resistance more than 60 properties, so this is one of the requirement equipment for 1.05.


Finally, I recommend you choose a good shield replaced offhand weapon, so you can go further. Shields Select Recommended: Storm Shield, Legendary Shield.
