Have You Been Tired of Diablo III?
[Poll]There is still some time before the new expansion. Many Diablo III players complained that nothing can be done during the waiting days. Repeating the farming journey seems a little boring.

Loot 1.5 in console version has brought people many surprises, and players are thirsty for more fun from the game. Diablo 3 PC and MAC version will have some new contents release before reaper of souls, however console version has similar plans too to satisfy player's requirements. How do you feel about this? What's your attitude towards it? Have you been tired of this game?
Need new content. After so many fighting days and, though you prefer not to think of, a variety of bugs, a lot of players feel tired of the game content. Reaper of Souls is not available at the moment. The motivation to play it over again for them is very weak. Release new interesting content or let tired players choose other games, that's a question for Blizzard.
Make no difference. For some people, they don't care if diablo 3 change or not. Enjoy the game itself now – it's their principle. They just like games, no matter which one it is. Games are created for fun so just have fun.
Keep the same. Add new content may be exciting but keep the same is not that bad. The shutdown of auction house makes a part of diablo 3 fans disapCoined too. A big change suddenly is not good news to them. Bugs can be fixed and items can be bought, how can you say that’s not a wonderland?